Thursday, July 22, 2010

entering the 2nd half of the miracle year...

Finally, done with the designs for bulletin. This bulletin has been a great companion as it sticks closer than a friend. Haha. It has been following me ever since I-don't-know-when. After I met Pastor yesterday afternoon, we finalized the design with the assistance of his artistic view. We finally came up with this design and awaiting for the rest of CDMM to comment before getting this printed out sooner or later.

Time flies tremendously fast. THIS was what I've blogged one year ago. It came to past a year later when my dearest shepherd received her offer for KPLI in the month of June this year. She started to BLOG as well. I'm praying for God's will to be done in her life & for her to do something great in the land of Keningau (the land flowing with milk and honey). It wasn't an accident for her to end up in that land =) Missed the time when she was still in WiFi.

It reminded me of one thing that one of my sheeps said on Monday night, "Even though I might not be in KK anymore, I will always be a WiFi member, and will fellowship with you all once I come back for holiday." WiFi: Beyond coverage. I guess this was what we lived up to 'til today- the tagline. Being beyond coverage, at any place, anywhere, anytime, anyhow for expanding and enlarging the tent.

We are really into His business. Things get tougher than before. A sheep sighed and said"I'm overloaded...with works, and ministries...". I turned back, and smiled, "How overloaded was Jesus in His 3 years' ministries...?" She stayed silent, and smiled back at me.

Expand, stretch, enlarge the tent. I heard this same shepherding about enlarging the tent TWICE last year. It suddenly came to my mind as I start typing. God impressed me on one thing as I pray this week. I saw a vision of a large harvest field, and there were some of us in that field.

Some were doing harvesting, but some were just idling, doing their own things. The different colors of shirt/attire indicated different roles they played on that field (whether they are harvester or just spectators or just strolling around the field). God didn't want us to have our own agenda on that same field that He was referring to as the big harvest. The faster we do the harvest, the sooner the Lord of the harvest would return; but then, when He returns, are we going to be the same as what/who we are now? Launching into the deep surely isn't something easy. The challenges, the pressures will definitely come. Those who remain faithful will be the one who inherits what He had promised. I's easier said than done. Let our action speaks our words. As the clock is ticking, I'm waiting for something great to happen. God promised this year to be a year of miracle, and yes! I'm going to continue to believe in His promise. Seeing many impossible things took place is just part of the "side dishes" from the main course. It's time to stretch ourselves to believe beyond all the unspeakable miracles~!

And surely, God's works done in God's way, will never be lacked of God's supplies!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


for many months I did not post anything on this blog... Things had been challenging for the past few months. The first post was written when I try to put things in place, trying to feel belong to this CG and trying my best to fit in after like half a year. And now I come back writing with many responsibilities on my shoulder. I thank God for my first sheep, she's been supportive enough to me. Being a shepherd is never easy for someone like me. Furthermore my sheep is somewhat independent and has a high self-confidence. Many things I tried to learn from the situation that happened. There are times as well I get frustrated or disappointed but I knew that this sheep does not belong to me and I'm just here to care, to protect and to guide her to grow even more in her desire for God. I've been spending so much time, financial and strength in order to see that this life continue to be renewed and changed for GOD. Thanks Irence for being a faithful sheep.


Sunday, June 21, 2009

My Parent's Day card design..

Card's Front Design

Card's Back Design

Specially dedicated for my mom and dad

My Very Special Parents
Mom and Dad

I may no longer be that little child who always
Wanted another hug or minute with you
But I still miss you when we are apart.

I may no longer need your hand for every step I take
But I still need your acceptance and support of everything I do.

I may not be that little child who asked
For all the things I ever wanted in the world
But that’s because long ago you taught me
How to go after my dreams.

I may no longer be that little child who
Looked to you to share every hurt, smile and tear
But I still feel like that child whenever I think of you…

I’ll always love you, Mom and Dad,
With the heart of that little child
Grown to love you only more.

Mom & Dad,
I do think of you often.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

nice song and lyrics

Berharga Di MataMu ~ (True Worshippers)

Dan bila malamku
gelap tak berbintang
Hanya Engkaulah pelitaku
Menerangi jalanku

Walau ku terjatuh hilang dan tersesat
Namun tetap Kau memandangku
Berharga dimataMu

Maka jiwaku menyembah
Kau penebus mulia
Darah anak domba kudus dan perkasa
Darah yang tercurah bukti kasih termegah
Jadikan ku berharga

Dan bila malamku
gelap tak berbintang
Hanya Engkaulah pelitaku
Menerangi jalanku

Walau ku terjatuh hilang dan tersesat
Namun salibMu memanggilku
Kembali kepadaMu

Pondering about some things...

Firstly, I thank the LORD for all things He has done in my life, especially my studies and my job, He tremendously helped out in time of distress, when it seems that it's a dead end, but He opened another way out. I don't know how many times I said this, but I know I only meant it a few times in my life. When the Lord spoke to us through His words, I was slow to respond, slow in action, everything was slow. There are times where I wanted to respond but I was a bit afraid that I could not do it and probably due to my past that I kept thinking of, but thank God that He spoke to me in every ways that He had.

If ever I could calculate how many times, I would probably need to have equation to come out with the exact amount of it. Dead bodies do not respond, neither do corpse. But people of the LORD would respond in all kind of circumstances. I believe it did not take me overnight to obey, to support, to be willingly involved in all things that I do today. However by God's grace I am allowed and I am enabled to do so. His words strike me deeply on the phrase Loyalty the Best Policy. Loyalty towards my God, towards my leaders, especially towards my shepherd and CL. I thank the LORD that I did not miss my past more than how I missed meeting up my core team, especially the new ones. I am not good in PR, I ain't good in anything much, but I will not restrict myself from getting it because I know I need to improve the atmosphere of the CG.

If I were to wait and wait and wait, I won't get out of it; but I knew I urgently need to get up and stretch myself. LORD stretch me! Stretch me to be a person whom You want me to be. To be a person that is pleasing for You. AMEN!

Lord, thanks for keeping my shepherd here for the time being. I'm out of idea on how to do all these in the care group. Many things that I seemed to know theoretically not practically. Anyways, I'm very happy, very glad, hyper happy, super duper happy,extremely happy.

Wished that the WGP structure would stay, I was just beginning to love this care group a little lot more. I feel the sense of belonging - the presence of them - Chern, Sarah, Steph and Irence, it somehow brings up the spices of life. Lord, help me not to do one mistake which is the mistake of giving up. You knew me very well, so help me to do it Your way God~!

caregroup oh caregroup

we'll be having the closing of keamatan/gawai night today. yay! Last month we had our keamatan/gawai CG with many ones who came. Tonight, we'll be cooking together for dinner, and I need to make sure for special item they'll decorate themselves nicely.

I need to prepare notes for j3g class today. Next week there will not be any class on saturday ~ it's gonna be parents teachers day. So, had to catch up with the syllabus. What a short term for this 2nd term..

~sleepy~ woke up at 4am this morning.