Thursday, July 22, 2010

entering the 2nd half of the miracle year...

Finally, done with the designs for bulletin. This bulletin has been a great companion as it sticks closer than a friend. Haha. It has been following me ever since I-don't-know-when. After I met Pastor yesterday afternoon, we finalized the design with the assistance of his artistic view. We finally came up with this design and awaiting for the rest of CDMM to comment before getting this printed out sooner or later.

Time flies tremendously fast. THIS was what I've blogged one year ago. It came to past a year later when my dearest shepherd received her offer for KPLI in the month of June this year. She started to BLOG as well. I'm praying for God's will to be done in her life & for her to do something great in the land of Keningau (the land flowing with milk and honey). It wasn't an accident for her to end up in that land =) Missed the time when she was still in WiFi.

It reminded me of one thing that one of my sheeps said on Monday night, "Even though I might not be in KK anymore, I will always be a WiFi member, and will fellowship with you all once I come back for holiday." WiFi: Beyond coverage. I guess this was what we lived up to 'til today- the tagline. Being beyond coverage, at any place, anywhere, anytime, anyhow for expanding and enlarging the tent.

We are really into His business. Things get tougher than before. A sheep sighed and said"I'm overloaded...with works, and ministries...". I turned back, and smiled, "How overloaded was Jesus in His 3 years' ministries...?" She stayed silent, and smiled back at me.

Expand, stretch, enlarge the tent. I heard this same shepherding about enlarging the tent TWICE last year. It suddenly came to my mind as I start typing. God impressed me on one thing as I pray this week. I saw a vision of a large harvest field, and there were some of us in that field.

Some were doing harvesting, but some were just idling, doing their own things. The different colors of shirt/attire indicated different roles they played on that field (whether they are harvester or just spectators or just strolling around the field). God didn't want us to have our own agenda on that same field that He was referring to as the big harvest. The faster we do the harvest, the sooner the Lord of the harvest would return; but then, when He returns, are we going to be the same as what/who we are now? Launching into the deep surely isn't something easy. The challenges, the pressures will definitely come. Those who remain faithful will be the one who inherits what He had promised. I's easier said than done. Let our action speaks our words. As the clock is ticking, I'm waiting for something great to happen. God promised this year to be a year of miracle, and yes! I'm going to continue to believe in His promise. Seeing many impossible things took place is just part of the "side dishes" from the main course. It's time to stretch ourselves to believe beyond all the unspeakable miracles~!

And surely, God's works done in God's way, will never be lacked of God's supplies!